Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


Lighting Poles

Various products are designed and produced for street, road, stadium, facility, and field lighting in order to meet lighting needs of domestic and foreign markets.

Generally, the products can be made up to 50m. The company designing its products from scratch according to needs and international norms, can also offer assembly service together with production according to customers’ demands.


Advertising and Flag Poles

Monopole type, interlaced or bolted advertisement and flag poles up to 100m can be produced according to international standards depending on company, product, and introduction needs of customers, and they can be assembled upon request.

Steel Construction

ERSAN Energy design projects, carry out production and installation of hot-dip galvanized steel constructions of structures such as industrial structures, factory buildings, workshop structures, production facilities, etc. according to technical specifications.

ERSAN Energy designed the project and carried out production and installment of ERSAN Agriculture & Livestock’s steel construction facility within its body which is one of the largest milk producers in Turkey. In addition, ERSAN Energy also designed the project and carried out production and installment of ERSAN Energy galvanization workshop within its body which is one of the largest fully-automated galvanization facilities in Turkey.